The government’s dedication to North Macedonia’s quick accession to the European Union was underscored in today’s meetings with the Union’s top officials, stated Orhan Murtezani, Minister of European Affairs. Murtezani accompanied Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski during a working visit to Brussels.

“We’ve demonstrated this through making EU membership one of the key priorities in the government’s program and by the rapid adoption of the reform agenda, which is part of the Growth Plan,” Murtezani remarked.

He further explained that the European Commission’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans provides a framework that treats the region’s countries similarly to EU members, noting that the available funding is nearly 90 percent of what EU member states receive.

“Considering the current geopolitical developments and the EU’s focus on enlargement, this is an opportune moment for our country to advance quickly toward full membership in the European Union,” the Minister emphasized.

Murtezani, along with Timcho Mucinski, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, joined Prime Minister Mickoski in Thursday’s discussions with European Council President Charles Michel, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, and DG NEAR Director-General Gert Jan Koopman. Earlier, the Prime Minister and other Western Balkan leaders attended a working lunch hosted by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.