Minister Ljupcho Nikolovski met with Halkbank CEO Bilal Sucubaşı to appreciate the company’s generous donation of one million tree saplings for the national afforestation program. He highlighted the increasing participation of socially responsible entities and citizens’ associations in the nationwide tree planting efforts.

Nikolovski commended Halkbank’s initiative, stating that the donation would significantly bolster the national forest fund over the next five years, aiming to plant a total of one million tree saplings across the country. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy initiated the “Let’s Reforest Together” drive this year, planning to plant 1,200,000 saplings in 36 locations across 19 regions.

Emphasizing the Ministry’s commitment to the green transition, Nikolovski underscored that it stood among the top five priorities. He urged for collective efforts to leave a clean, green, and European legacy for future generations.