Is the Levica party the obedient right wing of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in the opposition, writes the “Kurir” news portal.

The Levica party, through MPs Borislav Krmov and Dimitar Apasiev, accused VMRO-DPMNE of making a quorum for the vote on the Law on Citizenship.

But the truth lies in the voting lists that say that SDSM, DUI and the other ruling parties secured the quorum themselves, while VMRO-DPMNE voted against that law. That Levica is a false opposition that has been tasked by Zaev to bring discord in the opposition, has been emphasized several times by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

Even after the 15-day debate on the supplementary budget of the most important document in the country, the 2021 Budget, which was adopted, the opposition reacted that Levica has 0 minutes of presence, 0 minutes of speech and 0 amendments to provide money for the citizens who need it most, writes “Kurir”.

Zaev has already admitted that he helped Apasiev in the parliamentary elections against the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski.