In response to the rejection of the Macedonian request to open EU accession talks over the summer, VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev said that it is now clear that the “capitulation in Prespa” was not enough. Janusev blames the Zaev Government and its lack of reforms for the negative outcome of the meeting of the EU foreign ministers on Tuesday.

The only positive recommendations were contained in the elements where VMRO-DPMNE participated. We are determined to be part of the reform process and President Mickoski offered to help out. But, for ten days thre is no response from SDSM and their Government, Janusev said.

VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski publicly offered to Zoran Zaev to help him out in implementing reforms.
Asked about the fate of the Prespa treaty, Janusev repeated the party position that they are open to renegotiating it, given that opponents of the treaty are widely expected to form the next Government in Greece.

Greek opposition leader Kyriakos Mistotakis, who will likely win the next elections in Greece, said that one of his priorities will be to open the Prespa treaty. If that happens, we will sit down with them, given that Hristijan Mickoski will form the next Government of Macedonia, Janusev said.