The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski congratulated the great Muslim holiday Qurban Bayram to all citizens of the Islamic faith.

May these festive days bring you and your loved ones happiness, joy, harmony, inner peace and good health.

Qurban Bayram highlights human humanity, caring and giving, and that is exactly why I invite you to spend this holiday in the spirit of sharing and helping all those who need help. At the same time, in these decisive moments in which Macedonia finds itself, it is necessary to lend a hand in order to overcome the challenges, not to fall for deliberate provocations that introduce divisions on ethnic or religious grounds, which are only a cover for the realization of some other personal interests. I firmly believe that such artificial divisions are a betrayal of the values we believe in regardless of ethnicity, religious or political affiliation. The problems are the same, the desire for the future is shared. It is necessary that we all work together for mutual respect, mutual tolerance and understanding, because only in this way we can succeed in building a state in which we will all feel free and equal. Only united, determined, motivated and brave will we succeed in creating a better future and a better standard of living for our citizens in Macedonia, Mickoski said.