My message to the people in Brussels is clear – if you really want to be part of the European family, there is a way, but no ultimatums will be accepted while I lead the Macedonian Government,” Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski stated, responding to questions about the meetings with top EU officials in Brussels.

Accompanied by ministers Timcho Mutsunski and Orhan Murtezani, Mickoski attended a working lunch hosted by Ursula von der Leyen and met with EU leaders, including Charles Michel and Oliver Varhey. Mickoski reiterated that if the EU applies the merit-based system, Macedonia could start negotiations immediately, but accused certain EU states of bilateralizing the process.

He also emphasized that the principle of *pacta sunt servanda* should apply to the Good Neighbor Agreement with Bulgaria, criticizing the “French proposal” and the decades of national concessions Macedonia has made. Mickoski expressed frustration with Bulgaria’s political elites and reaffirmed Macedonia’s commitment to joining the EU, while addressing Bulgarian political comments about internal Macedonian matters.

Mickoski dismissed rumors of VMRO-DPMNE’s exclusion from the European People’s Party, calling it an April Fool’s joke.