VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski commented Saturday in an interview with TV Alfa about the role that DUI will have in the coming period in the government of Dimitar Kovacevski.

They are sending a message that they are a factor, SDSM is not a factor in the Government. Now Zaev’s pawn, Kovacevski, will come, I guess somewhere in the middle of this month, and he will propose the cabinet. From what I see, he will only continue the Zaevism and practically you will have a much weaker capacity of politicians with political power, but also different I would say. Because as a prime minister-designate, I am afraid that he will not be able to impose either authority or political credibility because he did not go to the polls, did not receive support from the people, did not identify with the platform. DUI comes here, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani, Kreshnik Bekteshi, Fatmir Besimi and others who want to say through these messages who is in power in the Government, that we will have a new prime minister, a certain Kovacevski Dimitar, who is placed here to continue the character and work of Zoran Zaev. But the real power, which pulls the strings is DUI, said Mickoski.

Mickoski added that DUI does not say that only to their voters, but it is also a message to the international community.

That is why VMRO-DPMNE warns that this is not the Government of SDSM and its coalition partners, but this is the Government of DUI. I do not blame DUI here, I do not intend to blame it because they are pursuing their political interest at the end of the day, that is part of their plan and strategy. I blame the political parties that are part of the SDSM Coalition, Goran Milevski, Maja Moracanin, Pavle Trajanov, Ljubco Georgievski and others who de facto support the DUI government, said Mickoski.