Hristijan Mickoski’s bodyguard, Ivica Bisovski, has been released from responsibility for an incident in front of the cafe “Mosh” in February, after the policeman involved chose not to press charges, according to a statement from the Ministry of Interior given to Sloboden Pechat.

Today, the SDSM party accused Minister of Internal Affairs Panče Toškovski of personally intervening to release Bisovski. However, the Ministry clarified that an internal commission of three members reviewed all the facts and evidence, determining that the police officer I.B. was not responsible for the event, as Bisovski was not being prosecuted.

The three-member commission considered all evidence before concluding that Bisovski should not face criminal prosecution. The Ministry stated that the victim, police officer V.G., did not seek any charges against Bisovski for the altercation.

Bisovski had been suspended on February 26th, pending the investigation. Following a hearing and a review of the evidence, the Department for Disciplinary Procedures, under the Collective Agreement, found that no criminal action would be pursued. Based on this decision, Minister Toškovski finalized the ruling, exonerating Bisovski from any legal responsibility.