Unwilling to give a statement with the “N word” behind him, VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki rearranged the flags behind the podium to cover up the word “North” in “North Macedonia”.

Milososki is one of the most outspoken critics of the name change process. The public rejected the name change through a boycott of the September 2018 referendum, but it was rammed through as the Zaev regime arrested members of Parliament and blackmailed them into voting for the name change.

Deputeti i VMRO-DPMNE-së Antonio Milloshovski përpiqet ta fshehë emrin e ri të shtetit

Deputeti i VMRO-DPMNE-së Antonio Milloshovski përpiqet ta mbulojë emrin e ri të shtetitПратеникот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Антонио Милошовски се обидува да го покрие новото име

Gepostet von TV21 am Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2019