After a debate lasting two days, the Parliament this evening voted in the next Government, led by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. The list Mickoski proposed received 77 votes in favor, from VMRO, VLEN and ZNAM and 22 representatives were opposed.

With this, DUI and SDSM are officially going in opposition – for DUI this is the first time after 14 years. Their representatives left the Parliament hall shortly before the vote, but despite Ali Ahmeti’s harsh threats against VMRO, many of his representatives previously approved the reforming of the Government to reorganize the ministres.

The Government will have 24 members in total, in 20 departments, with five deputy prime ministers – one of them, Izet Mexhiti, will have the role of “first Deputy Prime Minister”. 15 of the 24 Government members come from VMRO-DPMNE and their smaller coalition partners, six are from  the VLEN coalition and two are from ZNAM.