State prosecutor Ljupco Kocevski spoke about the police raids conducted earlier this week against companies in Strumica and other cities, who are reportedly part of the business empire of the former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

At this moment, three people have been questioend by prosecutors, and in one instance we recommended that his passport is seized and an order to report to the court is given. I hope that the court accepts this request, prosecutor Kocevski said.

Although he was appointed at the end of the Zaev regime, Kocevski remains state prosecutor and in this instance it seems he is willing to actively investigate the numerous allegations of organized crime and corruption that followed the former Prime Minister. He confirmed that the cases that are being investigated include tax fraud, tax evasion and money laundering.

Previously, Interior Minister Pance Toskovski said that four people in total were detained and that the damages of their actions to the state budget are estimated in the millions of euros.