The government of SDS and DUI paid money for projects for which it did not have complete records of whether the funds were spent for the purpose for which they were transferred. The SAO notes in its report for 2021 that the Government of SDS and DUI for the sub-projects that are part of the Project for Local and Regional Competitiveness makes the payment to the suppliers from the Government’s budget, while the Government does not have complete information about the use of funds for the purpose of which is the planned program as well as data on whether the construction facilities and equipment are fully registered as state property among the end users, points out Mile Lefkov, MP and member of the IC of VMRO-DPMNE.

The government transferred millions to SDS and DUI, and did not know if and how the funds were spent. This is not a finding of VMRO-DPMNE, this was determined by the State Auditor. The irresponsible spending of public money has reached pandemic proportions. It is obvious that the authorities of SDS and DUI did not keep track of how and where the money ends up while it ends up with companies close to them. The SDS and DUI authorities, with the millions they don’t know where they ended up, could have built a dozen kindergartens or procured a hundred ambulances or firefighting vehicles – he said.

Lefkov indicated that the irresponsible behavior is ending.

The incompetence ends with them. The VMRO-DPMNE government works 100% responsibly for your future – he said.