Tito Petkovski, a veteran SDSM party official and former leader of its splinter NSDP party, declared Bulgaria as Macedonia’s “overt enemy”.

Bulgaria imposed an aggressive and primitive approach on the amending of the Constitution. I won’t shy away from saying that Bulgaria is now only only overt enemy. They don’t recognize our language, they don’t recognize our ethnic origin, Petkovski said.
He called on Bulgaria to acknowledge that it was allied with Hitler during the Second World War and to apologize to Macedonia for that.

An old communist hand, Petkovski was accused of orchestrating a secret police propaganda action in the early days of Macedonia’s independence, when leaflets in Bulgarian were distributed across the country, ostensibly from a Bulgarian organization working with the VMRO-DPMNE party to take over Macedonia. The move was meant to portray Bulgaria as an enemy and to paint VMRO as a party working for Bulgarian interests.