VMRO-DPMNE urges Zoran Zaev to publicly say whether the Bulgarian declaration is on the table, which could lead to the destruction of the Macedonian nation.

The Bulgarian Declaration denies the Macedonian identity, history and language. Zaev has publicly accepted that several times in the past. Zaev publicly said that the Macedonian and Bulgarian people are the same and that they speak the same language. Zaev said something that the greatest Bulgarian nationalists could not even imagine. Zaev also attacked the foundations of Macedonian history. Zaev publicly said that Delcev is a person of common history. Zaev destroyed the Macedonian positions. He trampled on the red lines of the state, and now that he has destroyed positions, he is acting as a negotiator. Zaev is not able to make any agreement that would be in favor of Macedonia. We have 4 years of defeats with Zaev, 4 years with Zaev, 4 years of stolen life. It is enough! VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.