Answering a journalist’s question whether there will be a new leaders’ meeting, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he would meet VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski to discuss the law on public prosecution after the working groups signal to him and the opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski that there is progress. He thinks that they are not really far from reaching an agreement and calls for more efforts in that direction.

Zaev said there was continuous communication between the representatives of the working groups and added that there was possibility to meet again tomorrow.

I believe we can make the effort, we are not really far, we just have to overcome ourselves especially when the case here are secured and have their future. Let us send a message to the international partners of the EU that as we have so far agreed with consensus, to vote in Parliament on everything related to EU reforms and this law on public prosecution. I am fully committed to reaching an agreement. As soon as the working groups give the signal to me and Mr. Mickoski and we will meet to agree on the Public Prosecutor’s Office law, said Zaev.