Zoran Zaev and his SDSM are holding a march, and no one knows why. The government demands justice. And while everyone wonders why Skopje is paralyzed, Zaev spends thousands of euros on his latest illogical game. Allegedly he spent 150,000 euros about the private march. Buses came from all over Macedonia, a video was shot, private production, a stage was set.

150,000 euros for a march in silence. At the head of the march Zaev. Some of his party fellows next to him. Those in the front row are holding a canvas that reads “Walk for Justice”, and it is interesting that there are no chants and the march participants walked in silence.

Others ask For God’s sake, why ?! If his goal was to show power and strength, and he didn’t succeed in that – empty streets are proof of that. Did Zaev forget that SDSM is in power, or maybe he is seeking justice from the government led by Oliver Spasovski?! Is Zoran Zaev marching for his own salvation and the salvation of his family, as well as his closest associates? If his goal is to test the support he has before the upcoming election, the result is not in favor of him, his outlook is bad.