The Macedonian language is incorporated in the United Nations, it is recognized by all, it is our identity. This issue has been brought to the surface again by nationalist motives. I would not be honest if I did not say that through the chapters, through the negotiations we must complete and resolve the Agreement with Bulgaria, ie to implement all its items. The opening of the issue with Bulgaria and the Macedonian language is for political purposes, SDSM President and former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Monday on Slobodna TV’s “Utrinski brifing” show.

Signing of the Good Neighbor Agreement, 2017


Speaking on the subject, he said that everyone knows that the decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations has been made public and that the state has received an unconditional date for the start of negotiations.

There is a unilateral statement by Bulgaria, even in the statement itself, they are saying for their understanding inside, Zaev said, noting that he was not surprised by the statement, given that the Bulgarian Parliament had previously issued a declaration on their internal use.

However, the Good Neighbor Agreement with Bulgaria, the SDSM leader said, must be implemented.

I would not be honest if I did not say that through the chapters, through the negotiations we must complete and resolve the Agreement with Bulgaria, ie to implement all its items, as we have to implement the Prespa Agreement. We both parties have undertaken that those agreements are for strategic partnership, friendship and it is in the interest of both parties to implement the agreements, Zaev said.