Regarding the best known extortion, the seizure of at least 1.5 million EUR from Kamcev, which Bojan Jovanovski and his associate Zoran Milevski – Kiceec famously took in a Louis Vuitton bag, Jovanovski confirmed that the money were taken by Kiceec and delivered to Zoran Zaevs brother Vice. “He took the bag, he left me home, and went to meet Vice Zaev in a seafood restaurant”.

When Zaev started the Colored Revolution, when he began to publish audio recordings of businessmen, that is when the racketeering began. This is when he started to extort money.. We all believed in Zaev, his kindheartetness, his simplicity. But then I got to know another Zoran Zaev, Jovanoski said, offering his digital logs as evidence to the courts

Regarding the best known extortion, the seizure of at least 1.5 million EUR from Kamcev, which Bojan Jovanovski and his associate Zoran Milevski – Kiceec famously took in a Louis Vuitton bag, Jovanovski confirmed that the money were taken by Kiceec and delivered to Zoran Zaevs brother Vice. “He took the bag, he left me home, and went to meet Vice Zaev in a seafood restaurant”.