Zoran Ljutkov, the Minister of Culture and Tourism, recently visited the archaeological site of Bargala in the Municipality of Karbintsi and several cultural institutions in Shtip. During his visit, he assessed the current state of these locations and discussed the institutions’ needs for the future.

Minister Ljutkov emphasized that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism remains committed to supporting the ongoing program activities at the Bargala site. He also expressed backing for exploring alternative funding methods, particularly for enhancing night lighting in the protected and fenced area of the late antique city.

In Shtip, Ljutkov highlighted the urgent need to renovate the deteriorating National Theater building, especially addressing the leaking roof, which poses a safety risk to both actors and audiences.
Here we are facing a lack of basic technical staff needed to run the work of both the Center and the Shtip Theatre. In recent years, not even the most vital positions needed for the realization of the productions have been filled, which has led to a low level of program contents, insufficient repertoire, almost closed institutions.

As the organisation that bears the cultural life of Shtip, one of our policy’s top aims will be to develop models for the Culture Center’s progressive staff renewal and re-equipment “declared the minister.

The Husamedin Pasha Mosque, the church of St. Ilia, the Shtip Clock Tower, and the Isarot conservation project are among the projects for which conservation approval has been granted and work can be done immediately on their protection. Minister Zoran Ljutkov and Shtip Mayor Ivan Yordanov talked about how to secure funds for these projects.