The price of electricity must be limited and the companies must pay it up to a certain level, and above a certain level that will be defined by the state from its funds, Trajan Angeloski, president of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia (MCC) said on Friday.

He presented the proposals of MCC to help the economy due to the energy crisis and warned that because of the high electricity prices, the economy is threatened with closure and bankruptcy.

At this moment, the Macedonian economy is threatened by an energy tsunami that threatens to destroy it. The open energy market is out of control, there is no service or product that can bear the price of energy from 600 to 700 euros per megawatt hour, Angeloski pointed out.

MCC believes that ELEM must provide additional amounts of energy from domestic production for the free market and in this way exert some positive pressure to reduce the enormously high prices. Also, not to discriminate against companies that are on the free market compared to those on the regulated market.