Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska said that the increase in revenue will help increase public sector salaries in the future. She pointed to the nearly 10 percent increase in Customs Office revenue as evidence that the institutions are now managed much better and that corruption is being reduced.

We can’t talk before hand, as now we are reviewing the numbers. If things continue as they stand now, we can talk about many different things in the future, including larger salary increases. In just 100 days we were able to increase budget revenues, and in 2025 we are introducing e-invoices, Minister Dimitrieska said.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski reached agreement with the public sector teachers union to have their salaries increased by 5 percent this year and to introduce regular increases in the next four years. Dimitrieska said that the focus is also on the healthcare sector, excluding doctors who saw their salaries rise significantly in the recent period.

Under its new management, the Customs Office saw revenue increase by 9.2 percent, and the number of seizures grow by 60 percent.