A company linked to former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev was named subcontractor in the major coal mining deal given to the Markovski company in Bitola.
Earlier this week the state owned ELEM/ESM company announced that it is rescinding the contract with Markovski, because of gross violation of the terms. ELEM said that Markovski failed at performing its obligations to excavate coal and prepare the main coalmine for further exploitation so badly that it undermined Macedonia’s energy security.
This 43 million EUR contract given to Markovski company is one of the dozens contracts where companies close to Zaev, like Javor Trans, were hired as subcontractors and were allowed to absorb millions. This resulted in energy price hikes for our citizens, said VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Brane Petrusevski.
Petrusevski called on current SDSM leader Venko Filipce, who was appointed with the backing of Zaev’s wing in the party, to condemn Zaev’s abuses and distance himself from the criminals of his predecessor.
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