What SDSM is now trying to spread among its membership is that Gjorgjiev, Mincev, Bendevska etc. are part of the team that they work for the party, but that is simply not true, says former SDSM MP Safet Bisevac.

They gave up their participation in the SDSM leadership ever since the congress when Zoran Zaev was elected leader. At the moment they are somewhat passive, they do not work publicly against Zaev, said the journalist on the “Zaspij ako mozes” show on Tuesday.

Among members of the Social Democratic Alliance who openly speak out against the party’s current policies is Sofija Kunovska he said.

Let’s be clear, these are things that are principled. Whether one likes it or not, Sofija Kunovska was an EC member who opposed some of the people brought to SDSM, but most importantly was the amendment of the SDSM statute, under which it is the leader who appoints, dismisses, something like a Sultan-like principle, Bisevac said.