VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s denial today is a clumsy move which raised more questions than it answered. Zaev denied Milososki’s claim that, during the failed negotiations on the law on state prosecutors, Zaev announced to the VMRO-DPMNE representatives that Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva will be released from detention soon, and with that revealed that he is influencing the court decisions.

It’s good that Zaev acknowledged that he is in communication with Janeva’s lawyer. Next, maybe he can tell us in what capacity is the Prime Minister, who is not a judge or a prosecutor, meeting with the lawyer of a suspected extortionist, in the midst of the greatest judicial scandal in Macedonian history. Why is he discussing Janeva’s detention with her lawyer? And why does the lawyer, Irena Frckoska, feel the need to inform Zaev about the future steps which the defendant Katica Janeva plans to take? Is it because the Prime Minister is the consigliere of the racketeering group? Who is leading this group anyway?, Milososki replied to Zaev.