In order to activate the illegibly acquired wiretapping equipment, the Operational Technical Agency must obtain a permission from at least one of the telecommunication operators, and we publicly ask if they already did that, and which operator agreed to cooperate, VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrushevski asked on Monday press conference.

“Did one of the operators already succumbed to OTA and Kovachevski’s pressure, and approved the use of the illegal wiretapping equipment? The mobile phones’ operators should be aware that the equipment was acquired illegally, which was established by all members  of the competent parliamentary commission, from the ruling coalition and the opposition, for which we have already informed the Public Prosecutor Office”, Petrushevski warned, adding that any use of this equipment will directly incriminate these companies.

Petruhevski said that the silence from the PPO on this case is unacceptable and scandalous, and that if the competent institutions don’t react, they will become accomplices in any crimes SDS and DUI conduct with this equipment.