VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki shared a side-by-side video of President Stevo Pendarovski to illustrate his flip-flop on the state of emergency. Pendarovski today said that he will not extend the state of emergency, despite the fact that Macedonia is in the midst of a record Second Wave of the epidemic.

Pendarovski today insisted that his previous decisions to declare the state of emergency were not linked to the number of infections and deaths. “Any comparison between the previous states of emergency and the then number of infections are baseless, because as I said, and I will repeat, none of the orders to declare a state of emergency were made for that reason”, Pendarovski insisted today.

Milososki quickly pointed to Pendarovski’s statement from May 30. “Bearing in mind the latest development with the increased number of infections during this day I will order an extension of the state of emergency for 14 more days”, Pendarovski said at the time, as the Second Wave was starting.

President Stevo Pendarovski spent too much time with Zaev and is now infected with the “virus” of Zaevism. First make a claim, then lie about it and deny your own statement. On May 30 Pendarovski said that he is declaring a new state of emergency because of the high number of infections. Only 13 days later, Pendarovski claims that he never declared a state of emergency driven y the number of infections. Perhaps his friend, who infected him with the virus of Zaevism, knows best why Pendarovski changed his mind, Milososki said.

Стево и вирусот Заевизам

Претседателот Стево Пендаровски, заради неговото другарување со Заев изгледа го префати "вирусот" Заевизам – т.е. прво настапуваше со тврдење, а потоа одиш со лажење и самодемантирање!На 30ти мај Пендаровски тврдеше дека заради зголемениот број на заразени и починати сограѓани прогласува вонредна состојба!Само 13 дена подоцна Пендаровски "тврди" дека тој никогаш не прогласил вонредна состојба заради бројот на заразени и починати и таквите споредби биле неосновани. Зошто Пендаровски денес одбра да се самодемантира најдобро знае неговиот другар, "носителот на вирусот Заевизам".

Gepostet von Antonio Miloshoski am Freitag, 12. Juni 2020

The ruling SDSM party is using Pendarovski’s decision to demand that elections take place on July 5, despite the fact that only a quarter of citizens that were polled said they are ready to vote in the midst of the Second Wave. SDSM wants low turnout elections, hoping that it will help them in the polls, and VMRO-DPMNE has warned that SDSM is likely to resort to electoral irregularities because of the lack of international observers and their domination of institutions of the state.
VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev said that Pendarovski’s decision is shocking, given that Macedonia currently resembles a “Balkan Wuhan”, with its complete failure to put the epidemic under control.

Haggling over dates for elections at a time when we have a huge spike in newly infected and deceased patients is haggling with the health of our citizens. We will not do that. SDSM and Zaev are briefing the public about dates of elections in an attempt to avoid being held accountable for their crimes, and are obviously prepared to endanger lives for their ends, Janusev said.

VMRO-DPMNE has proposed dates in August or early September, hoping that the epidemic will be under control by then.