A poll conducted by Market Vision for the MKD.mk news site shows that VMRO-DPMNE grows in popularity over its once chief rival SDSM, with whopping 45.2 percent against 11.2 percent. Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party has solidified its place as Macedonia’s second largest party with the support of 13.9 percent of the voters, and SDSM is even behind VLEN, the Albanian bloc that is part of the VMRO led coalition.

SDSM is not even safe as the second largest party in the Macedonian bloc – Levica polls less then a percent behind them at 10.6% and Maksim Dimitrievski’s ZNAM party is at 6.7 percent. To make matters worse, 28.8 percent said that they don’t even know who is the current leader of SDSM.

The poll, that was conducted by phone between September 16th and 25th, on 1,200 citizens shows that VMRO would win nearly half of all votes if the elections were held now, giving the conservative party a strong position in the run up to the 2025 local elections.
Interviewees said that crime and corruption are the worst burning problem of Macedonia (27%), followed by inflation and the high cost of living (15.6%) and a list of other economic issues such as low salaries and unemployment.

The interview also gauged whether citizens support the proposal from Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski that the Judicial Council is dismissed after a number of scandalous judicial decisions and for overall failing to ensure that the judiciary curbs corruption in the country. A total of 45% of the citizens agree with the proposal, while 23.3 percent are opposed.