The Office of President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova informed that they will request an explanation from Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, for the ceremonial mishap during their recent informal meeting in Sofia.

President Siljanovska paid a visit to Bulgaria to attend the performance of Nabucco, by the Macedonian Opera. This was an opportunity for a first meeting between her and Radev, who has been a hardliner on the dispute with Macedonia. But the Bulgarian presidential office released a photograph of the two presidents with only Bulgarian and EU flags in the background, and no Macedonian flags. While this is often the case with informal visits, it created a negative perception in Macedonia, that Bulgaria is snubbing President Siljanovska by not displaying the Macedonian flag along the Bulgarian.

This threw a shadow on the event, and it was not in line with the agreed protocol before the meeting. There were not supposed to be photographs released from the enclosed area. Unfortunately, President Radev invited President Siljanovska to do such a photo in front of the Bulgarian flag, even though it was not part of the agreed protocol. We wish to believe that this was an oversight and not a deliberate move, and we will request an explanation from the Bulgarian side, informed President Siljanovska’s office.