The Anti-Discrimination Commission, although breaking the legal deadline and with a long delay, after complaints were submitted by employees of the Ministry of Defense, made a decision stating that Radmila Sekerinska as Minister of Defense was mobbing these employees. Levica reported about this decision, adding that the mobbing of these officers continues with the new Minister Slavjanka Petrovska.

Employees from the Ministry of Defense, who were victims of mobbing by former Minister Sekerinska, addressed the Levica party.

Although these employees have been proven in the defense for many years, Sekerinska continuously mobbed them, degraded them, did not allow them to advance in their careers, illegally gave them transfer decisions and their work tasks were reduced to a minimum.

The officers addressed all the competent institutions, but all, except the Anti-Discrimination Commission, remained deaf to the complaints of these persons.

That this is a party-dictated arbitrariness of the corrupt structures of SDSM, shows the fact that the suffering of these officers continues after the removal of Sekerinska, because the current Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska, continues to mob.