Alliance of Albanians leader Ziadin Sela announced that, after the local elections on Monday, the Zaev Government will fall and a new majority will be formed in Parliament. Zaev’s SDSM party lost badly in the first round of the local elections, and he staked his survival as Prime Minister on winning the largest remaining mayoral race – the one in the capital Skopje.

Zaev’s coalition partners won’t follow along with him in the next elections. They see that Zaev is sinking, and control their own members of Parliament. We will form a new majority, Sela said, announcing that it is possible that representatives from Zaev’s key coalition partner – DUI – join with the opposition, which only needs 5 more seats to flip the Parliament.

Sela is fighting against DUI in a high profile race in Gostivar, as well as in Debar and Struga, and the BESA party, which is part of Zaev’s coalition, has a good shot at defeating DUI in Tetovo.

Gostivar Mayor Arben Taravari, who is deputy leader of the Alliance of Albanians, said that the opposition is on the verge of a new majority. “This majority will prioritize economic growth, using the EU funds that the current Government couldn’t and wouldn’t utilize, liberalizing procedures in farming, opening industrial facilities and farms. We will show how you can build a good life here, and we will invite to bring back our compatriots who were forced to leave the country by the immoral policies that were pursued in the past”, Taravari said.