VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski in an interview with TV Alsat’s spoke about the current developments, he pointed out that among the people from the government who do not report properties, but have noteworthy wealth behind them, there is also a person who is in a friendly and institutional relationship connection with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Oliver Spasovski.

There are people who don’t report property, but they have noteworthy wealth behind them and a connection with certain ministers. I will mention one name just for you, Dobrin Petrusevski is the name of the man, a member of the Management Board appointed by the Government at DSU Kiro Burnaz. On April 17, the government named him at the Regional Center for Vocational Education and Training. Now if you see who Dobrin Petrusevski is, there is also an article reading: The rapid business expansion of the Petrusevski family from Kumanovo continues, which is in a friendly and institutional connection with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Oliver Spasovski” I am quoting an article which is at least easy to find on the “Time.mk” tool, Stoilkovski pointed out.

He also added that if a company did not show any profit to the PRO for three years and suddenly opens stations for technical inspection and gas stations where the entire government comes for their opening, there must be doubts about where the money comes from.

The specific case that I pointed out as an exclusive example, the father is a financier of SDSM, and the son drives a car with flashers, and we are talking about people who are from Oliver Spasovski’s office in the Ministry of the Interior, Stoilkovski added.