VMRO-DPMNE strongly denies Zaev’s lies that July 8 is a negotiated date. This is a proposal of SDSM which is not accepted by VMRO-DPMNE, the party reacted after the interview of the leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, with TV 21 on Thursday, where he said that they were close to reach an agreement on this election date.

While people are losing their lives due to the coronavirus, VMRO-DPMNE says, all Zaev can think of is elections.

In addition, Zaev is lying when he says that there will be full OSCE/ODIHR team, that is a fake story of Zaev, because he wants elections without observers. If Zaev wants someone to trust him, let him show publicly where has the OSCE stated that it will send a full team. VMRO-DPMNE will win, but will not trample on dead people. Citizens’ lives have no price. SDSM will lose. VMRO-DPMNE will win anytime. The defeat will be followed by responsibility for all the crimes, corruption and damages they have inflicted on Macedonia, says VMRO-DPMNE.

In the interview, Zaev said that if there was no agreement between the parties, then July 5 remains as the date for the elections because after the end of the state of emergency on Saturday, then the period of 22 days when the elections should be held expires.