Zaev’s new Government is going to cost us dearly and will deliver no benefits, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release issued as the Parliament prepares to resume its debate on the Government

The citizens won’t get the promised 600 EUR average wage just as they didn’t get the 500 EUR Zaev promised in 2016. The Government program says nothing about the retirees, the farmers and many other groups of citizens who Zaev lied to during the elections – on the contrary, he is now announcing a crisis and a difficult period for the citizens and the economy. If it comes, it will be due to his incompetence, VMRO said.

The conservative party pointed to the fact that many of the promises Zaev and the SDSM party were making during the pre-election period were not mentioned in the Government program, citing this as evidence that they were impossible to achieve from the start.