SDSM and the BESA Movement have formalized their pre-election agreement over joint participation in the early parliamentary elections scheduled for April 12.

The leaders of SDSM and Besa Zoran Zaev and Bilal Kasami harmonized their views on the program, and the electoral list holders. They signed today a declaration for joint partici[ation in April 12 elections. For the first time in the history of independent Macedonia, a pre-election coalition between the parties of the Macedonians and the Albanians has been achieved.

In a joint statement in SDSM and Besa’s declaration for joint participation, it is emphasized that it is signed in the spirit of building trust and a common European future and respecting civic values, identical to European values.

SDSM and Besa commit to fostering and respecting the rights of all ethnic communities, developing, creating better conditions for all citizens to build their future here, fighting corruption and a fair judiciary, and EU integration remaining the only option.