I seek responsibility for the scandal that happened late last night in Strumica, where through abuse of police and state institutions VMRO-DPMNE, Nake Culev and Hristijan Mickoski tried to prevent a humanitarian, solidarity action to help my fellow citizens, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, after the police raided last night the warehouse where there was packaging of food meant to be donated by the Zaev family during the crisis.

VMRO-DPMNE through police structures obstructs humanitarian aid for citizens through the abuse of state institutions. VMRO-DPMNE with police regime structures last night until the early morning hours exerted pressure and threats on volunteers and members of a civil society organization. They were holding young volunteers at a police station, threatening them, just because someone had been given a party task and is bothered by solidarity. It is a feature of non-humane people from a regime that we have long ago defeated together with the citizens. That is why such party bullies must be held accountable, Zaev said.