Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, will convene a session to verify the mandates of the new MPs who should replace the current MPs who were elected mayors, after receiving the official results from the State Election Commission. The seats of the elected mayors in the Parliament should be taken over the next candidates on the list of political parties.

It was agreed at today’s regular coordination of Xhaferi with representatives of political parties.

In the local elections, Kostadin Kostadinov from SDSM, Darko Kostovski, Timco Mucinski, Ivan Jordanov and Kiril Pecakov from VMRO-DPMNE and Biljal Kasami from BESA were elected mayors.

The Parliament also informs that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has not yet submitted his resignation to the legislature. At today’s coordination meeting with Xhaferi, there was no discussion at all about the next steps that would follow after last night’s statement by Zaev that he is resigning from his position as Prime Minister.

According to Article 219 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, “The Government, the Prime Minister or a member of the Government may resign. The resignation of the Government or the Prime Minister shall be submitted to the Parliament Speaker in writing and may be explained… The resignation of the Government or the Prime Minister shall be immediately submitted by the Parliament Speaker to the Members of Parliament and the country’s President.”

Article 220 further states that “The Parliament at the first next session, without debate, concludes that the mandate of the Prime Minister, the Government or a member of the Government, terminates on the day of the session.”