Tomorrow’s weather promises sunshine and relatively warm temperatures, accompanied by scattered low to moderate cloud cover. Expect a weak to moderate southerly wind across most areas, while the western regions will experience stronger southwesterly winds. Towards the evening and overnight, anticipate rainfall, locally accompanied by rare thunderstorms and strong winds exceeding 70 km/h.

Temperature-wise, lows will range from -1 to 6 degrees Celsius, with highs reaching between 15 to 21 degrees Celsius.

In Skopje, the day will start sunny with intermittent clouds and a moderate to strong southerly wind. Towards the end of the day and overnight, expect rainfall, at times heavy, along with gusty winds exceeding 60 km/h. Temperatures will drop to a low of 3 degrees Celsius, with daytime highs reaching 21 degrees Celsius.

As per the announcements from the Administration for Hydrometeorological Affairs, occasional heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and strong winds exceeding 70 km/h are expected to persist into Monday.

Due to the influx of colder air masses in higher altitudes, precipitation in mountainous regions will transition to snow, accompanied by decreasing temperatures. Over the next few days, variable cloudiness and sporadic rain showers will prevail, with unstable weather conditions intensifying on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, bringing heavier precipitation and thunderstorms.