A special session of the Council for National Security was held on Sunday evening in Belgrade to discuss the security situation in Kosovo and further steps that are to be taken by Serbia, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, reports N1.

The President said the Council calls for peace, for talks, requests the release of an innocent man (former Kosovo Police member Dejan Pantic who has been arrested in Kosovo) and asks everyone to refrain from attacking KFOR and EULEX.

Vucic said measures to protect Serbia have been taken and that he has issued orders which the Council for National Security has accepted. However, before any orders, we will try to preserve peace, said the Serbian President.

He noted that these are dramatic days for which Serbia bears no responsibility, and insisted that the putting up of the barricades in Kosovo was not ordered by anyone in Belgrade.

Vucic said he was very disappointed by the statements of the US and UK embassies, adding he has a question for the international community: What legal act (in the case of Kosovo) do you honor: the UN Charter, UN Resolution 1244, the Brussels Agreement, or the Washington Agreement?

The Serbian President stressed that the Kosovo Police have no right to be present in north Kosovo and noted that the current situation is an attempt “to try to end the Serbian problem in Kosovo, which Kurti is taking part in but also of course a good portion of the international community, which is pretending not to see what is actually happening.”

“Certain European officials said ‘the barricades are horrendous’ – firstly, no one from Belgrade ordered these barricades, so do not attack Serbia. You know, they say – depending on what suits them and when – when something happens in the north – it is Serbia’s fault, and when the Albanians do something in the north, they say – what has that got to do with Serbia, it’s a different state,” said Vucic, adding that Kosovo’s special forces invaded the north over the past few days.

The President said the Council discussed Serbia’s further actions. “For us it is important to call on the Serbs and Albanians to preserve peace and calm the situation. I call on the Serbs in north Kosovo to remain calm, and not to fall for the provocations. The Serbs say that some from the international community made up the story on the attack on EULEX. We do not have a single piece of evidence that there was an attack on EULEX, but attacks on EULEX and KFOR must not happen, because the Albanians would insist on that, make a story out of it, because they have nothing to show the world,” said Vucic.

The Serbian President said he has been in touch with European Union (EU) representatives and that he is to have talks on December 17 with EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and US Special Envoy for the Balkans Gabriel Escobar.

Vucic said he was certain that the international community is not happy about Kosovo President Albin Kurti’s behavior, but that it would be naïve and stupid of him to think that they cannot force him “to behave decently and in accordance with international law.”

The Serbian President said he knows the Serbian people are worried so he asked them to trust the leadership which, he said, has more information and cares about the people of Kosovo, but also about every child and pensioner in Serbia.

„There is no surrender, we are with you,“ Vucic said to the Serbs in Kosovo on the Serbian state TV (RTS).

Source: N1