Announcing a boycott or violation of protocols in schools is an unconstructive way of overcoming this crisis in our country. Each of us is responsible for public health and the right to health. If someone directly and consciously endangers the health of the other, then we have a violation of the law and the Constitution. That is why I call on all our citizens, all parents, teachers and students, that each of us should deal with this epidemic in a constructive way, said the Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska on Friday.

Now the priority is to preserve the health of all our citizens, and not preserving health means more infections and more deaths. If the situation changes for the better, there will be no one to oppose the opening of schools with physical presence, but if it is like this or worse, we will think about other issues to protect public health, but also to ensure continuity of teaching in ways which are possible at that moment, said Carovska.