SDSM and BESA signed a pre-election coalition, but they have not revealed which political platform this coalition is based on. They would have done it in the coming period. SDSM’s new and serious contribution to the theory and practice of political science. Everywhere in the world, political parties first negotiate on ideological-political platforms and then sign pre-election or government coalitions. Only SDSM and Besa are doing it wrong. They have serious reasons for this, writes Jovan Donev in his latest column published in “Netpress”.

He points out that the SDSM presents itself as a leftist party, while Besa as a center-right party. Nothing ideologically brings them together, but this remark can also be ignored. Macedonia has so far seen such ideological perversions. But one cannot ignore the fact that an agreement for a joint pre-election coalition was signed by a non-nationalist and a nationalist chauvinistic party.

He adds that there is no unitary state without a nation. Whether that nation is ethnocentric or civil is quite another question. But it does exist.

The constant reiteration by the SDSM that Macedonia is a multiethnic state, ie that the SDSM is a multiethnic party, as well as its actions in the executive and legislative branches of government, shows a non-nationalist approach aimed at denominating the Macedonian nation at the level of an ethnic group. Neither theory nor practice recognize such an approach. Not only is it contrary to the logic of the existence of the nation and the state, but it is also contrary to the principles of a liberal economy, Donev said.

Keeping the status of the Macedonian nation is contrary to the agreements with Bulgaria and Greece, but also the Tirana Platform. SDSM did not sign these agreements in order to popularize the Macedonian nation. On the contrary! They are signed to force a process of its denomination through the forcibly amended constitution preamble. Otherwise, Zaev’s government would have respected the result of the referendum and no one in the world would have condemned it.

If SDSM really cared about preserving and strengthening the Macedonian nation, its government, immediately after the referendum, should have resigned and run for new elections. It didn’t happen either, Donev emphasized.

According to him, the Albanian political parties in the Republic of Macedonia are nationalistic. Their commitment is a national Albanian unification. For them, the existence of the Macedonian nation is an obstacle to achieving this goal. Simply put, as long as the Macedonian nation exists, they will be a national minority. They don’t want it. They will have to follow the fate of the nation.

Defining Besa as a nationalist chauvinistic party should come as no surprise. For the sake of truth more or less the other Albanian political parties are as well. The difference between them and Besa is that Besa speaks clearly and loudly about the constitutional redefinition of the Republic of Macedonia, in the function of equalizing the constitutional-legal status of the Albanian minority with the Macedonian nation, he explained.

Moreover, he says the existence of the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo behind the Albanian national minority in the Republic of Macedonia is a reality. This reality has its repercussions on the interethnic relations in the Macedonian society. They existed and will exist. They cannot be escaped, but they can be managed. Provided that the Albanian political parties accept the reality that they are a national minority in the Republic of Macedonia. Thanks to Zaev and his company, they no longer want to think about such a thing. That is why Besa signed a pre-election coalition with SDSM, but without a joint political program. As Donev says, Zaev and the SDSM top leadership support Besa’s efforts to complete the Greater Albanian dream, but they will not say so publicly. They also want to win these elections by again lying to Macedonian voters and fostering the idea of an all-Albanian unification with the Albanian electorate.

The coalition between SDSM and Besa is perverse and contrary to the interests of the Macedonian nation and state. If it wins the elections, it will sacrifice the Macedonian national interests for the benefit of the Albanian, the Bulgarian and the Greek. In order to meet the demands of those interested in the exploitation of gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. The only way to prevent this is for VMRO-DPMNE to win the upcoming elections. Wisdom is needed for that to happen. The same one that the citizens showed during the referendum, Donev said.