Goce Filipovski, the father of Filip Filipovski (27) who suffered serious injuries due to a knife attack perpetrated by the sons of a top police official and Zoran Zaev political ally, reveals additional information which he says the Interior Ministry is trying to cover up in the case.

Filip was stabbed by the sons of Zvonko Cvetkovski, SDSM party activist, former Mayor of Petrovec and now a high ranking Interior Ministry official on March 16th, in a discotheque outside of Skopje. He lost a kidney and his spleen in the attack.

His father now informs that the two attackers tried to flee the scene and promptly went into a traffic accident. This is also being covered up the by the police and was not listed in the incident report that is published daily.

When I got to the scene, their Renault was still there, damaged after they hit another vehicle. There was also police, I spoke with them, and they instructed me to go to my son. Now the traffic accident is also being hidden from the reports, says Goce Filipovski.

He already revealed how witnesses, who saw the two sons of Zvonko Cvetkovski stab his son, and told as much to him and to the police, are now being pressured to change their statements.

Cvetkovski defended his sons claiming that they too were injured in the attack, but Goce Filipovski says that he is likely trying to portray injuries they sustained in the traffic accident they caused to pass off as victims. He fears that Cvetkovski’s proximity to Zoran Zaev, as a former Mayor appointed by SDSM, will help him protect his sons from punishment, and may even turn the victim of the stabbing into an attacker. The two attackers have not been arrested yet, which, according to Filipovski, incidates that an attempt at a cover up is being made.