The leader of VMRO-DPMNE responded to the statement of Bulgaria’s Minister of Defense, Krasimir Karakachanov, that the Macedonian language is a “Balkan Esperanto”.

Mickoski told Karakachanov to educate himself and read the work of Blaze Koneski.

At the same time, Mickoski sent a message to the government of Zoran Zaev to find the courage to fight for the Macedonian national interests and to react to the incorrect statements of the Bulgarian officials.

I strongly recommend to the Minister from the Government of our eastern neighbor who says: “the Macedonian language is Balkan Esperanto” to read Blaze Koneski’s work and educate himself, and to the Zaev esperanto government in Macedonia, which does not react at all to such statements with incorrect and offensive content, to gather courage and fight for national and strategic interests, said Mickoski.