During a hearing the Skopje court, a visibly perked up Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 told the judge that he considers himself a political prisoner and that he is prepared to share additional information with chief prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski, but that Joveski is rejecting his offers.

The truth will be known only if there is a just process, Boki 13 told the court.

A big outstanding issue in the testimonies so far is the fate of the 1.5 million EUR which Boki 13 is charged with extorting from businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev, as well as the other funds he or his co-defendant Katica Janeva seized from businessmen. It is widely assumed that much of the money ended with officials from the ruling SDSM party, but given the grip the Zaev regime holds or held over the judiciary, the investigation stopped far short of exploring this issue. Only one SDSM official was charged so far – Deputy Parliament Speaker Frosina Remenski – and she said she puts her hope in the new, opposition nominated Interior Minister to clear her name, possibly hinting that she will also provide evidence.

Boki 13 said that he wrote to the ambassadors of the US, EU and France in Macedonia, as well as the Helsinki Committee, asking them to visit him in prison, where he says he fears for his life. Boki 13 said that the threats began to arrive after he testified before organized crime prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska, which also announced that he would like to speak out.