Slavica Grkovska, Deputy Prime Minister of Good Governance Policies, expressed her concern over the violation of the Code when it was revealed that Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), was conducting political party activities in the office of Deputy Prime Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations, Artan Grubi. Grkovska noted that as a government member, she lacked the means to address this breach.

In response to a reporter’s inquiry regarding the government’s course of action regarding Ahmeti’s social media posts showing his recent meeting with Richard Grenell, the former U.S. President Donald Trump’s special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, which took place in Grubi’s office, Deputy Prime Minister Grkovska emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear distinction between party and state activities. She highlighted the role of politicians in promoting democratic values.

Deputy Prime Minister Grkovska made these remarks during a media statement following her participation in a book launch event focusing on the media’s role in democratic institutions, the rule of law, and public administration reforms. She also mentioned her unawareness of the social media post in question but affirmed that if it was true, the government would act in accordance with the established Code. Given Ahmeti’s status as a Member of Parliament and the accountability of government ministers to MPs, she clarified that issuing a warning was not within her purview as a government member. Nevertheless, she stressed the fundamental principle that party and state activities should remain distinct, and politicians should strive to promote democratic culture and awareness, as exemplified by the event she had just attended.