After the daily disclosure of cardinal errors in the textbooks that children in the fifth grade received before the end of the first semester, reactions to the errors are coming from parents and teachers of students from higher grades. That Macedonia borders Albania to the east and Bulgaria to the west, that Mount Everest is 29,305 meters high, that Marie Curie is a Nobel Prize winner for science, and there is no Nobel Prize for science, but for chemistry or physics, are not the last catastrophic mistakes that will have to “swallow” the children, the “Faktor” portal analyzes.

Those in VIII grade geography learn that Finns, Hungarians, Turks are a yellow or mongoloid race.

After the editorial office of the portal received a series of reactions from parents who say that this is completely wrong, we spoke with a geography teacher, already retired, Stojanka Vuksanovic, who did research, specifically about Finland, and who says that Finns are a white race.