Stefan Andonovski, the interim Deputy Minister for public administration appointed by VMRO-DPMNE, disclosed the expansion of the public sector over the past two terms of SDSM and DUI.

After seven years of “optimization and reorganization” of the public service by SDSM and DUI, the number of institutions grew from 1,291 to 1,346. We are paying for 56 new managers of institutions that were not supposed to be created in the first place, 56 deputies, 430 members of management and oversight boards and 4,000 newly hired party activists who are collecting salaries, using new vehicles and phones we pay for and new offices, Andonovski said.

Andonovski proposed a law under which, the funds used for the boards of the public institutions will be redirected toward the most badly needed public sector services. “We are throwing money at the managers, instead of hiring and rewarding employees who are necessary”, Andonovski said.