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The US Federal Police announced that they had opened an investigation, after Microsoft revealed on August 8 that a US “presidential campaign” had been the target of a hacking attempt attributed to Iranian intelligence services. Microsoft did not specify whether this involved the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, but there is now little doubt that it was Republican Party documents that were hacked.

At least three US media outlets − Politico, the New York Times and The Washington Post − received internal documents from Donald Trump’s campaign, sent by an “anonymous informant,” shortly before the publication of the Microsoft report. The three media considered that the relatively unimportant documents were likely the result of state hacking, and chose not to publish them. The main file received by these media outlets was a 271-page dossier of information on James David Vance, chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate, evidently compiled by the party to check Vance’s profile before his nomination.