Over 200 VMRO-DPMNE activists, organized in 19 teams, visited a total of 709 populated settlements in all parts of the country, from the big cities, to the least populated areas within the operation “This is Macedonia, for all”, Ivica Tomovski, member of the VMRO-DPMNE EB informed on Monday.

“This was thee most comprehensive field operation ever conducted by VMRO-DPMNE, whereby 6,428 reports ere made, and 18,324 problems were registered. The people of Macedonia don’t want constitutional changes under Bulgarian diktat, they don’t want their national dignity stamped upon, but what their really desire is the end of poverty, the corruption, and the crime. The general conclusion is that peoples’ largest concern is the hard life, the inflation, the insecurity, the the uncertain future. The people are revolted because the authorities have completely forgot them, because they don’t listen to the problems of the people.